Responsive website design with a twist:

I’m pretty proud of this site. Deceptively simple [this website has been up since 2012 and I have yet to find a site that replicates this functionality]. It features beautiful images and clean navigation and page content. At first glance it looks like many sites with a homepage slideshow with big images. It scales nicely and works on mobile devices as well as desktop retina screens. The twist here is when you click on the main navigation, it pauses the slide, slices it open and the content of the page is ‘inside’ the image. The slideshow continues once you close a section.




[visit archived version of the site]

Restaurant Brand Identity, Menu Design, Website Design+

Park Kitchen was my first restaurant branding project from back in 2003. [I posted a little background on that here]. I helped Park Kitchen get up and running designing their logo, menus, business cards, signage, t-shirts, promo cards, coasters and website.

I’ve continued to update their brand over the years with big promotion for their 10 year anniversary featuring their fully responsive website redesign. Although not as splashy as the website, I had some fun designing special gifts for the owner, Scott Dolich, his lovely wife Mary and their irreplaceable general manager Anna. In the span of 4 days I designed and manufactured custom hoodies with a play on the first 10 years with the park kitchen logo. [I’ll add a link here when we get that up in the news section]
